History of School

/History of School
History of School 2020-10-29T11:08:05+00:00

About School

Haryana Govt. has decides to develop GSSS Tigaon (IIIS) as model Sanskriti school in order to bring qualification improvement in education with the plan to build a new building and strengthener the required infrastructure. It is based on five pronged strategy which includes, health, security, self-reliance and self-respect so as to provide better education facility and all round development of student its supporting, safe and conducive environment for both teacher and students. GSSS Tigaon Faridabad was established in 1943. Motto of our school is “Bringing Excellence to Students.” Their teacher, students, other staff and parents (Community in evolvement through SMC) are dedicated to create an academically vibrant, culturally, caring and inclusive learning environment. These all are committed to provide a challenging, supportive and learning environment to ensure the holistic development of students. We see to develop all-rounder students who exemplify health, wellness and character development using our schools come values and traditions.